[hal-04831057] Physicochemical Characterization of Non-Wood Forest Product Oils: Towards a Strategic Positioning in Agroforestry
<div><p>NTFPs play a crucial role in local ecosystems and economies, especially in rural areas where they are an important source of income and food security. The main objective of the study is to characterize the physicochemical properties of oils from these NTFPs in order to better understand their economic, food and industrial potential. This includes the analysis of fatty acids, minor compounds, as well as functional properties such as acidity, saponification index and iodine. The kernels of the NTFPs studied are rich in proteins with contents of 18.9% for Blighia sapida, 21% for chrysophyllum albidum, 22.5% for carapa procera and 18.9% for Tieghemella heckelii. In addition, these almonds are rich in oil with a content of 47.7% Tieghemella heckelii, 52.2%, Blighia sapida, 52% Chrysophyllum albidum and 54% carapa procera. These plants are oilseeds. These lipids have low acidity levels varying between 1.2 ± 0.2 to 2.6 ± 0.3%. The iodine values of the oil are 73.1 ±0.4 for Chrysophyllum albidum, 70 ± 0.3 for Carapa procera, 93.2±0.5, for Blighia sapida and 91.7 ±0.2 Tieghemella heckelii. Regarding the saponification indices the values found are 193.7±0.8 for Blighia sapida, 189.4±0.7 mgKOH/g for Carapa procera, 154.6±0.2 for Chrysophyllum albidum and 147.3 ± 0.5 for Tieghemella heckelii. The saponification indices are between 147.3 ± 0.5 to 193.7 ± 0.8. The analysis of the composition of free fatty acids showed that Tieghemella heckelii oil is mainly composed of oleic acid at 53.6±0.1 and stearic acid at 38.5±0.3. Blighia sapida oil's major compounds are oleic acid (54.6±0.1%), palmitic acid (24.2±0.2%) and stearic acid (16.4±0.0 %). Carapa procera oil is mainly composed of oleic acid at 50.7±0.0%, palmitic acid at 23±0.1%, linoleic acid at 11±0.0% and stearic acid 10.4±0.1%. As for Chrysophyllum albidum oil, it is mainly composed of oleic acid at 47.6±0.3% and α-linolenic acid 17.8±0.1%. The results show that β-sitosterol and γ-tocopherol constitute the major compounds in all the oils studied. The results show that NTFP oils can be a sustainable alternative to conventional oils, making them attractive for growing sectors, particularly those linked to sustainable development. Thus, this study makes a significant contribution to the promotion of NTFPs with a view to economic and environmental sustainability, while highlighting their potential role in the development of modern agroforestry.</p></div>
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Nikiema Diakaridja) 11 Dec 2024
[hal-04847356] Polysaccharide-Based Bioplastics: Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Solutions for Packaging
Over the past few decades, synthetic petroleum-based packaging materials have increased, and the production of plastics has surpassed all other man-made materials due to their versatility. However, the excessive usage of synthetic packaging materials has led to severe environmental and health-related issues due to their nonbiodegradability and their accumulation in the environment. Therefore, bio-based packages are considered alternatives to substitute synthetic petroleum-based packaging material. Furthermore, the choice of packing material in the food industry is a perplexing process as it depends on various factors, such as the type of food product, its sustainability, and environmental conditions. Interestingly, due to proven mechanical, gas, and water vapor barrier properties and biological activity, polysaccharide-based bioplastics show the potential to expand the trends in food packaging, including edible films or coatings and intelligent and active food packaging. Various chemical modifications, network designs, and processing techniques have transformed polysaccharide materials into valuable final products, particularly for large-scale or high-value applications. Transitioning from petroleum-based resources to abundant bio-based polysaccharides presents an opportunity to create a sustainable circular economy. The economic viability of polysaccharide-based bioplastics is determined by several factors, including raw material costs, production technologies, market demand, and scalability. Despite their potential advantages over traditional plastics, their economic feasibility is affected by continuous technological advancements and evolving market dynamics and regulations. This review discusses the structure, properties, and recent developments in polysaccharide-based bioplastics as green and sustainable food packaging materials.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Ashoka Gamage) 19 Dec 2024
[hal-04847354] Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oils Extracted from Apiaceae Family Plants
The importance of antioxidants has gained much attention due to the increase in the prevalence of various non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases, which occur due to excess reactive species. The widespread use of synthetic antioxidants in the food industry has raised concerns about their potential harmful effects on health. As a result, the utilization of natural antioxidants to preserve food and as a source of dietary antioxidants has gained attention. Essential oils extracted from Apiaceae family plants are an excellent source of antioxidants. In this review, research findings regarding the antioxidant activity of selected Apiaceae family members and their applications are discussed.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Yasasvi Jayakodi) 19 Dec 2024
[hal-04490064] Thermal insulation blocks made of sunflower pith particles and polysaccharide-based binders: influence of binder type and content on their characteristics
Co-product of sunflower cultivation, pith of stem has a little exploited insulating potential. Blocks in which pith particles are glued together using a starch-based binder have already been obtained. However, they are highly water-sensitive. Replacing this binder with others has been considered here. Polysaccharide-based binders were tested, chosen for their more hydrophobic character: sodium alginate, chitosan, Citrus pectin, and a modified starch. Like starch, these binders are physically binding. They are first solubilised in water (except chitosan, dissolved in 2% acetic acid). The solution is then mixed with pith particles before cold compression molding for 90 s. A 10% binder content was initially considered. The blocks were all cohesive with a dry density from 36 to 42 kg/m3). Their performances were assessed through water absorption capacity and resistance via capillary absorption tests on wet sponges, mechanical test and thermal conductivity. Chitosan and pectin-based blocks show the best properties, particularly concerning water resistance and mechanical properties. The pectin-based block has improved its elastic modulus by 40% compared to a starch-based block. The pectin-based block in its case absorbs 2.7 times less water than starch. Finally, thermal conductivities of pectin and chitosan-based pith blocks are in the same order of magnitude as for starch (39.8-40.1 mW/m.K), and close to values from commercial materials (e.g., polystyrene). Pectin and chitosan were also tested at three rates (5%, 10% and 15%). A significant improvement in the blocks' compressive strength was observed with the increase in binder rate, while thermal conductivities varied little.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Aurélie Laborel-Preneron) 05 Mar 2024
[hal-03638660] Comprehensive Characterization of Agricultural By-Products for Bio-Aggregate Based Concrete
The valorization of available agricultural by-products is important for the development of bio-aggregate based concretes as eco-friendly solutions for building materials. However, their diversity requires to assess their potential of use in vegetal concretes. This study aims to propose simple and relevant multi-physical characterization methods for plant aggregates. Basic and complementary characterizations were carried out on hemp shiv as a reference plant aggregate, and nine by-products available in the South-West part of France, i.e., oleaginous flax shiv, sunflower pith and bark, coriander straw, wheat straw, wheat chaff, corn shuck, miscanthus stem and vine shoot. The basic characterizations performed were those recommended by the TC-RILEM 236 BBM, i.e., particle size distribution, bulk density, water absorption and thermal conductivity. Complementary characterizations have also been proposed, taking into account the possible environment of the binder and the vegetal concrete manufacturing method. The additional tests developed or adapted from previous research assess the following properties: the content of water-soluble compounds at pH 7 and 12, the dry density of plant aggregates compacted in wet state, the real water absorption after compaction and the compression behavior of these compacted aggregates. This complete characterization highlights the distinct behavior of the different agroresources and allows to correlate these characteristics to the use properties of hardened composites.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Herinjaka Haga Ratsimbazafy) 12 Apr 2022
[hal-02617923] Assessing macro-element content in vine leaves and grape berries of vitis vinifera by using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics
Vine fertilization is a tool that allows winegrowers to influence and regulate the quality of their wine. Today, nutritional analysis is done by using a CHNS analyzer and mass spectroscopy. However, these methods are destructive and time consuming. Another approach is to use near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, which, when coupled with chemometric tools, allows users to develop prediction models. This approach is widely used today in agriculture. In this study, we focus on the relative amount of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), and sulfur (S), in dry matter (DM), and on the C:N ratio. The relative amount of these elements was obtained by applying NIR spectroscopy to 252 samples of various fresh and dried vine organs. Each partial least squares model was tested on an external prediction set. The coefficient of determination for prediction (r(2)), the root-mean-square error of prediction (RMSEP), and the ratio of performance of prediction (RPD) were obtained for C (0.49, 2.24% of DM, and 1.33 for fresh material with MSC; 0.45, 2.37% of DM, and 1.26 for dry material with MSC, respectively), H (0.56, 0.27% of DM, and 1.45 for fresh material with D1; 0.49, 0.30% of DM, and 1.32 for dry material with D1, respectively), N (0.91, 0.17% of DM, and 3.32 for fresh material with raw spectra; 0.95, 0.13% of DM, and 4.39 for dry material with MSC, respectively), S (0.47, 0.046% of DM, and 1.31 for fresh material with MSC; 0.46, 0.046% of DM, and 1.30 for dry material with D2, respectively), and the C:N ratio (0.85, 8.20, and 2.58 for raw spectra of fresh material; 0.87, 7.55, and 2.80 for dry material with D2, respectively). These results show that NIR spectroscopy can be used to assess the status of nitrogen nutrition in vines and to monitor the C:N ratio.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sébastien Cuq) 25 May 2020
[hal-02278814] Hydrogen sulphide quantification by SIFT/MS: highlighting the influence of gas moisture
The quantification of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) by Selected Ion Flow Tube coupled with Mass Spectrometry (SIFT/MS) was investigated for application in industrial emission context, usually faced with concentrations of water vapour higher than the saturation at room condition. H2S concentrations measured by SIFT/MS (using nitrogen as carrier gas and flow tube temperature at 119°C) were affected by water content, reducing the sensibility for H2S measurements. Accurate concentrations were obtained when the influence of water was considered on SIFT/MS analysis, requiring although the information about water content in the sample. In addition, the association of low concentration of H2S (around 50 ppbv) and high humidity level (4.0 %vol of water) was highlighted as a critical point for measuring H2S by SIFT/MS, due to the sensibility reduction as function of water content and the measurement uncertainty enhancement at low signal intensity.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Leticia Vitola Pasetto) 04 Sep 2019
[hal-02407035] Accumulation during fruit development of components of interest in seed of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) cultivar Oruro© released in France
This study aimed to examine the accumulation of oil, fatty acids, sterols and tocopherols contents and compositions during fruit development on the new cultivar of Chia Oruro (Panam Cie, France) cultivated in France. This cultivar is the first released genotype in Europe and for cultivation in Europe. The experiment was conducted in 2017, in south-western France at the Regional centre for organic agriculture, at Auch (near Toulouse, South-West of France). Four samplings were made at 17, 24, 27 and 35 days after flowering (DAF). These dates of sampling correspond to stages 7–8 (fruit development and maturity) of BBCH scale. Oil content, fatty acid composition and sterols and tocopherols contents and profiles were determined. The highest levels of oil and tocopherols were reached at 27 DAF. In contrast, phytosterols content was highest at 17 DAF (726.2 mg/100 g of oil) and decreased after this date. β-sitosterol was the main sterol in chia seed (63.4 to 89.1% of total sterols, depending of stage of fruit development). γ-tocopherol represented more than 92% of the total tocopherols present in the seed. High levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (74.4 to 80% of total fatty acids) were observed in our study confirming those already reported in this species. High levels of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids were reported at earlier stages and decreased gradually during fruit development. Polyunsaturated fatty acids followed an opposite trend. Their level was lowest at 17 DAF (74.4%) and increased gradually to reach their higher level at 35 DAF (80%). These results suggested clearly the interest to harvest and use of seed before entire maturity of the grain.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Gwendoline Grave) 12 Dec 2019
[hal-02347362] Integrated process for extraction and formulation in emulsions of active molecules from fresh passion fruits (Passiflora edulis Sims)
Intensified green processes were investigated to extract several classes of active molecules from fresh purple passion fruits, and to prepare emulsions directly by extrusion for the fruit comprehensive utilization. A thermo-mechanical treatment was carried out through a discontinuous process from the edible part and through a continuous process by twin-screw extrusion using the whole fruit. Only mechanical energy was applied to the materials to generate a liquid fraction (filtrate) and a solid residue. Lipid contents of the obtained filtrates ranged from 0.5 to 2.6 g/100 g close to the extractible lipophilic part. Polyphenols extraction was improved when using the whole fruit and with the addition of water in extrusion. In-situ emulsions with droplets sizes between 2 and 8 μm were obtained. Emulsions obtained after extrusion showed an enhanced stability. This way represents a green alternative method to solvent extractions applied to the different parts of the fruit, and leads to bio-based emulsions enriched in vegetable oil, natural antioxidants and emulsifiers, such as phospholipids, proteins, polysaccharides, pectins and polyphenols.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Alice Delvar) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-02618609] Impact of Spray-Drying on Biological Properties of Chitosan Matrices Supplemented with Antioxidant Fungal Extracts for Wine Applications
Black aspergilli produce many bioactive compounds: enzymes, organic acids, and secondary metabolites. One such fungus, Aspergillus tubingensis G131, isolated from French Mediterranean vineyards, produces secondary metabolites with antioxidant properties that can be extracted with ethanol. In this study, crude antioxidant extracts obtained from A. tubingensis G131 cultures were encapsulated with two types of chitosan matrix. Spray-drying was used to obtain dried particles from a dispersion of fungal crude extracts in a solution of the coating agent chitosan. This process appeared to be an efficient method for obtaining a dry extract with antioxidant activity. Three types of fungal extracts, with different antioxidant capacities, were produced: two different concentrations of crude extract and a semi-purified extract. In this study, the chitosan matrices for encapsulation were chosen on the basis of their antimicrobial activities for wine applications. Classical low molecular weight chitosan was compared with NoBrett Inside® which is already used to prevent the development of Brettanomyces spp. in wine. The objective of this study was to confirm that both antioxidant (fungal extract) and antimicrobial (chitosan) properties were preserved after spray-drying. The combination of these two properties and the powder formulation of this entirely natural product would make it a good alternative to chemicals, such as sulfites, in the food and wine industries.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Élodie Choque) 09 Feb 2021
[hal-02322600] A sustainable fungal microbial fuel cell (FMFC) for the bioremediation of acetaminophen (APAP) and its main by-product (PAP) and energy production from biomass
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (M. Pontié) 20 Jul 2022
[hal-02291111] Big data for agri-food 4.0: Application to sustainability management for by-products supply chain
The bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass is a promising method for the production of bio-energy, biomolecules and biomaterials. Pretreatment of the lignocellulosic biomass is an essential step in this process. The choice of pretreatment process is a difficult one, and there are currently no clear criteria on which to base this choice. This project, with its sustainability and agri-food perspective, used environmental impacts to assess the various processes and their panels of technologies. The approach developed integrates big data, to improve sustainability management in supply chain design, with the aim of valorising agricultural waste. In five main steps, this approach combines concepts from industry 4.0, sustainability and the agri-food industry. We apply this approach to a case study in the domain of agricultural waste valorisation: the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass in the rice supply chain.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jean-Pierre Belaud) 18 Sep 2019
[hal-02349465] Atypical Reaction Media and Organized Systems for the Synthesis of Low-Substitution Sugar Esters
Sugar esters are non-ionic surfactants with amphiphilic properties of interest for the formulation of various products in the fields of detergents, foods, medicines, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and cosmetics. The properties of sugar esters depend on their degree of substitution (we consider degrees of substitution between 1 and 3 here) which guides their use. Sugar esters are biodegradable and non-toxic, and the demand for these compounds is high and continuing to increase. Indeed, interest in these compounds stems from the natural origin of the raw materials, the synthetic processes involved and the performance of the final product. The choice of reaction medium is crucial, to facilitate contact between reactants and prevent hydrolysis of the products. In this review, we provide an overview of the processes and synthesis routes for sugar ester production, ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvent as non-usual media or with organized systems.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sidrine Kerthy Koumba Ibinga) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-02284914] Influence of temperature and soda concentration in a thermo-mechano-chemical pretreatment for bioethanol production from sweet corn co-products
A continuous process combining an alkaline pretreatment, neutralization and injection of enzymes within a twin screw extruder was previously implemented and demonstrate industrial potential. The present work focuses on the investigation of the effects of alkali and temperature during the alkaline pretreatment of sweet corn co-products (SCC) for the production of fermentable sugars with a lower chemical input. Study of NaOH/SCC and internal temperature was performed in ranges of 4–8% (w/w) and 50–170 °C in a laboratory scale twin screw extruder. Analysis of carbohydrates and lignin of the pretreated biomass was performed and the filtration efficiency was also monitored through extrudate dry matter and filtrate mineral matter. The carbohydrate accessibility and process performances were studied by the enzymatic hydrolysis of the extrudate. Increasing temperature reinforces the effects of soda on solubilization of hemicelluloses, thus a hemicelluloses removal reach more than 50%. At optimal conditions, the cellulose-rich substrate after enzymatic hydrolysis achieve a glucose released of 70%, with glucose and xylose yields of 250 g per 1Kg of dry SCC.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Monica Fong Lopez) 12 Sep 2019
[hal-02289677] A circular economy and industrial ecology toolbox for developing an eco-industrial park: perspectives from French policy
The twentieth century was characterized by an increase in research studies concerning the interactions between economic system growth and environmental deterioration issues. Faced with this background, circular economy (CE) and its industrial ecology (IE) pillar seem to be an efficient way to achieve sustainable development within the industrial sector. IE consists of optimizing the networking among industries by using energy and material exchange, which are generated from by-products and waste stocks. It aims to improve the environmental potentialities of integrated clusters called eco-industrial parks (EIPs). Policy in the European Union countries and in French territories has positively influenced such EIP implementation by the establishment of a set of measures to develop the industrial symbiosis performances. The present paper reviews the key drivers to identify the methods and tools to integrate the life cycle thinking approach that defines the following five phases: design, layout, commercialization, operating and renewal phases. A toolbox for developing an EIP from scratch according to French policy is developed and discussed. This study defines a framework involving a factual eco-industrial park and network. The industrial application is a new EIP, namely “Les Portes du Tarn”. It is located in the south of France and acts as an experimental field. The paper provides current results for commercialization and operating, including a model of an organizational process, a decision-making process, information technology tools and systems to manage sustainable development. It highlights the CE and IE challenges surrounding enhancing the social acceptability of an industrial park project through adaptation of a relevant governance model and establishment of a continuing collaborative context and trust relationship between diverse actors. The first candidate companies’ achievements are discussed and demonstrate the first benefits of toolbox. The paper delivers a toolbox, feedback and some good practices to support the development of EIP project from greenfield.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jean-Pierre Belaud) 17 Sep 2019
[hal-02291370] CAMD for entrainer screening of extractive distillation process based on new thermodynamic criteria
This paper presents a preliminary design framework for finding suitable homogeneous entrainers E to separate minimum boiling azeotropic mixtures AB by extractive distillation. The framework incorporates techniques such as Computer Aided Molecular Design (CAMD), addressing process needs and targeted thermodynamic properties. New thermodynamic criteria are considered for the entrainer design based on both, the thermodynamic properties of the binary mixtures AE and BE and the isovolatility curves in the ternary mixture ABE. In the CAMD problem, energy related property constraints on the boiling point and the vaporization enthalpy are also considered, leading to a mixed integer non-linear programming problem. Entrainer candidates are ranked by the maximization of the driving force of separation of A and B from their respective mixtures AE and BE under constraints limiting the entrainer composition for fixed values of the relative volatility. Further process optimization is done for validating the entrainer ranking by using Aspen plus V7.3, which minimizes the energy consumption and computes the total annual cost to compare different designs. The new thermodynamic criteria perform better than selectivity alone or a combined selectivity — capacity criterion, as proposed in the literature. The framework is illustrated through an entrainer problem design for the separation of acetone–methanol. Ethylene glycol is obtained as the best design solution. Comparison with conventional entrainers water and DMSO is carried out to validate the performance of the new criteria based on optimal process design study.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Stefano Cignitti) 18 Sep 2019
[hal-02297686] Analysis and trends for Life Cycle Assessment of olive oil production
For over 10 years, the olive oil sector has been largely studied through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Thus, a review of the numerous results and the different evaluated scenarios is relevant for future LCA studies on this important agro-economic sector of the Mediterranean region. The herein present work, based on scientific and technical literature aims to compare system boundaries, functional units, life cycle inventories, allocation, impact assessments, and interpretations from the currently existing LCAs of olive oil. Furthermore, an analysis of the assessment of biogenic carbon has been carried out among the reviewed papers. As a result, 23 relevant LCA studies on olive oil production or olives cultivation (for olive oil production) were identified. Analysis of the literature converged on an unequivocal environmental hotspot, the agricultural phase; which represents the most impactful phase of the olive oil life cycle, due in particular to fertilisation, pesticides treatment, and irrigation. Waste management and distribution also appear to represent a crucial issue. The comparison work made on climate change impact assessment is on the order of magnitude of 460 kg CO2-eq/ton of olive and 1.6 kg CO2-eq/L of olive oil. This study highlights the complexity of carrying out an LCA on the olive oil sector. At last, best practices and methodological recommendations were matured.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Gabriela Espadas-Aldana) 26 Sep 2019
[hal-02381858] Bio-guided fractionation to identify Senegalia gaumeri leaf extract compounds with anthelmintic activity against Haemonchus contortus eggs and larvae
Small ruminants browsing in tropical forests readily consume the foliage of Senegalia gaumeri. A S. gaumeri methanol:water extract was recently shown to have ovicidal activity against Haemonchus contortus eggs in vitro. In the present study, the fraction of a S. gaumeri methanol:water extract with ovicidal activity against H. contortus eggs and the metabolites potentially involved in this activity were identified. Bio-guided fractionation of the S. gaumeri methanol:water extract identified high ovicidal activity (80.29%, EC50 = 58.9 μg/mL) in the non-polar sub-fraction P1. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS) identified several fatty acids: pentacosane (18.05%), heneicosane (18.05%), triacontane (30.94%), octacosane (18.05%), and hexanedioic acid bis-(2-ethylhexyl) ester (32.72%). Purification of the polar components of sub-fraction P1 led to the identification of p-coumaric acid as a major constituent. In egg hatch tests, 400 μg/mL p-coumaric acid resulted in an ovicidal effect of 8.7%, a larvae failing eclosion effect of 2.9%, and of the emerged larvae (88.4%), many were damaged. In conclusion, the low AH activity of p-coumaric acid against H. contortus eggs indicates that it is not solely responsible for the ovicidal activity of sub-fraction P1 but might act in synergy with other compounds in this fraction. However, p-coumaric acid showed potential anthelmintic effects against the larval stage of H. contortus.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Gloria Sarahi Castañeda-Ramírez) 26 Nov 2019
[hal-02363272] Assessment of targeted non-intentionally added substances in cosmetics in contact with plastic packagings. Analytical and toxicological aspects
Container-content interactions are common in the food and pharmaceutical industries. However, these studies are more complicated in the cosmetic industry, and it is necessary to ensure consumer safety. The objective of this work was to develop a strategy for the toxicological evaluation of leachables for cosmetic packagings. Eleven common plastic packagings were selected to evaluate interactions with 5 simulants (acidic, alkaline and neutral water, 30% and 96% ethanol) chosen to mimic cosmetics behavior. A GC-MS method was developed to screen for 12 non-intentionally added substances of particular concern: 10 phthalates, bisphenol A and distearyl thiodipropionate (European Pharmacopoeia plastic additive 17). Results were analyzed using a toxicological procedure established for this study. Some phthalates and bisphenol A were detected in several samples, but only one contaminant, diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP), was found to be above the set concentration threshold. Using toxicological data, this concentration was found to be safe for users. 96% ethanol appeared to be the strongest simulant in term of extraction, with a maximum concentration of 491 μg/L for DiBP in a 100% styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer packaging. In water simulants, less contaminants were extracted, with concentrations under 20 μg/L.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pauline Murat) 14 Nov 2019
[hal-02348581] Semi‐Siccative Oils and Bioactive Fractions Isolated from Reunion Island Fruit Co‐Product: Two Case Studies
Semi-Siccative Oils and Bioactive Fractions Isolatedfrom Reunion Island Fruit Co-Product: Two Case StudiesAlice Delvar, Pascale de Caro,* Yanis Caro,* Alain Shum Cheong Sing, Rudy Thomas,and Christine RaynaudThis paper focused on the use of agro-industrial wastes of strawberry guava (Psidiumcattleianum) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) generated by the agriculturalindustry on Reunion Island, according to two routes: extraction of semi-siccative oilsfrom the seeds and extraction of bioactive compounds from residual pulp and peels.Oil content, fatty acid, carotenoids, tocopherol, and sterol concentrations aredetermined in the seed oils obtained by four different extraction processes usingSoxhlet extraction, extraction by hexane and ethanol, mechanical pressing andsupercritical-carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction. The oil extraction yields ranged from15 to 30% w/w for strawberry guava and passion fruit, respectively. Both oils areclassified as semi-siccative and had a similar total unsaturated fatty acid content(88%) with a prevalence of linoleic acid (70–78%). High contents in phytosterols andinα-tocopherol are particularly detected in strawberry guava oil. The antioxidantactivities of the bioactive compounds extracted by water and ethanol from pulp andpeels are characterized byα,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test. After purificationon polymeric resin, significant antioxidant activities are recorded (half maximalinhibitory concentration (IC50) from 11 to 50 g L-1) and are related to polyphenolcontents (20.7 to 42.5 g gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g dry extract).Practical Applications: There is a great interest on the use of tropical fruit wastesbecause of their large availabilities. Strawberry guava and passion fruit are often usedin the food industry, for juice and jam production. The seeds, pulp, and peel residuesare in fact a by-product of their industrial processing, which should be valuablyprocessed instead of just throwing away. We can state that the extracted seed (richin polyunsaturated fatty acids) of strawberry guava and passion fruit can be used inthe industrial production of emulsions, paints, and varnishes. Within the positiveaspects of the study, one can also distinguish the use of these tropical fruit by-products as beneficial sources of many valuable bioactive compounds, for example,carotenoids, tocopherols, phytosterols, and especially polyphenols, for functionalformulations. Moreover, it may be the experimental basis for further developmentand use in food industry
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Alice Delvar) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-02368205] Cellulose consolidation under high-pressure and high-temperature uniaxial compression
Materials based on cellulose cannot be obtained from thermoplastic processes. Our aim is to prepare all-cellulose materials by uniaxial high pressure thermocompression of cellulose. The effect of moisture content (0–8 w/w%) and temperature (175–250 °C) was characterized through the mechanical properties (bending and tensile), morphology (scanning electron microscopy, X-ray tomography) and microstructure (viscometric degree of polymerization, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, solid-state NMR) of the specimens. The specimens were mechanically stronger in bending than in tension. They exhibited a more porous heart, a dense but very thin skin on the faces (orthogonal to the compression axis) and thick and extremely dense sides. During thermocompression severe friction between fibers caused a decrease in molecular weight while heating above the glass transition temperature was responsible for water migration towards the specimen heart. Most of the cohesion came from the small sides of the test samples (parallel to the compression axis) and seemed mainly related to the entanglement of amorphized cellulose at the interface between particles. Around 200 °C water accumulated and provoked delamination upon pressure release, but at higher temperatures water, in a subcritical state, may have been consumed during the hydrolysis of amorphous cellulose regions. The all-cellulose material with the best mechanical properties was obtained at 2% moisture and 250 °C. This work shows that thermocompression at high temperature with limited moisture may be viable to produce renewable, sustainable all-cellulose materials for application in biobased plastic substitutes including binderless boards.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Thibaud Pintiaux) 18 Nov 2019
[hal-02154427] Electrostatic separation for sustainable production of rapeseed oil cake protein concentrate: Effect of mechanical disruption on protein and lignocellulosic fiber separation
Rapeseed oil cake (ROC) is a biomass of particular interest for biorefinery and food activities, due to its high protein, lignin, polyphenol and fiber contents. An environmental separation process combining ultrafine milling and electrostatic separation was recently developed for proteo-lignocellulosic plant fractionation. Several of the parameters of the fractionation process (milling mode, electrode voltage, charge, particle size, etc.) can affect the efficiency of protein separation and extraction. We assessed the impact of three different mechanical modes of milling — ball milling, impact grinding and jet milling — on the electrostatic separation (ES) of lignin and protein from ROC biomass. The initial biomass and the ES fractions were characterized and correlations were identified between particle colors and sizes and their protein and fiber contents. Mechanical grinding had a significant impact on the surface properties of the particles, influencing their charge and the electrostatic separation of lignin and protein from biomass. The combination of impact grinding and electrostatic separation appear the most efficient and effective technologies for rapeseed oil cake protein concentrate
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (S. Kdidi) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-02177159] Extraction de fibres de lin oléagineux pour des applications textiles techniques : influence des paramètres de pré-traitement sur le rendement en fibres, la répartition granulométrique et les propriétés mécaniques
Cultivé principalement pour ses graines, le lin oléagineux pourrait également être valorisé pour les différentes fractions végétales qui peuvent être extraites de la paille. Cependant comme les pailles ne sont pas récoltées avec la même technique et le même soin que pour le lin textile, la technique classique de teillage ne peut pas être utilisée. Par conséquent, un dispositif "toutes fibres" a été utilisé pour effectuer la séparation des différents constituants des pailles de lin oléagineux. Les différentes fractions ont été quantifiées pour deux niveaux de rouissage et pour deux degrés de ré-humidification des tiges. Les propriétés physiques et mécaniques des fibres ont ensuite été évaluées. Il apparaît que la quantité relative de fibres extraites des pailles de lin oléagineux est comparable à celle du lin textile (c'est-à-dire 40 % de la masse de la tige sèche) et que leurs propriétés en traction se situent dans la partie inférieure de la gamme du lin textile. Ce travail montre que la longueur individuelle des fibres de lin oléagineux (entre 3 et 6 cm) est comparable à celle des fibres de lin textile teillé. Elles sont donc adaptées à la production de fils de fibres alignées cardés pour les textiles techniques de renforcement (par exemple, composites ou géotextiles). Ces résultats démontrent l'intérêt et la valeur ajoutée potentielle de la récolte des tiges pour des applications techniques des fibres.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marie Grégoire) 08 Jul 2019
[hal-02177456] Fabrication de panneaux agglomérés de fibres à partir des anas collectés lors de l'extraction mécanique des fibres libériennes de la paille de lin oléagineux
Dans cette étude, des panneaux agglomérés de fibres ont été produits à partir d’anas collectés après extraction mécanique des fibres libériennes de paille de lin oléagineux. Les panneaux ont été mis en oeuvre par thermopressage. Leurs propriétés mécaniques et thermo-mécaniques ont été étudiées ainsi que leur comportement vis-à-vis de l’eau. L’influence d’un prétraitement thermo-mécanique des anas bruts à l’aide d’une extrudeuse bi-vis a été étudiée ainsi que l’ajout de lignine exogène. Tous les panneaux mis en oeuvre possèdent une tenue suffisante pour être manipulés à la main. Le panneau ayant obtenu les propriétés optimales a été obtenu à partir des anas extrudés et sans ajout supplémentaire de lignine. Au regard de ses caractéristiques et du standard NF EN 312, ce dernier remplit complètement les critères d’un panneau aggloméré de type P1 (panneau d’usage général utilisé en milieu sec).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Philippe Evon) 09 Jul 2019
[hal-02374035] Recycled bio-sourced glycerol and diglycerol for asphalt release agents (ARA)
The objective of this study is to develop bio-sourced waste chemicals for use as asphalt release agents. Glycerol was extracted from bio-sourced waste and transformed by transesterification into the surfactants undecenoates of glycerol (MUG) and undecenoates of diglycerol (MUDG). They were composed of glycerol, monoglycerol, diglycerol, triglycerol, tetraglycerol and water. The formulations were mixed separately with water at quantities of 5-50%, along with acetone and commercial bio-sourced ARAs in order to observe the effects. The formulations were subjected to performance testing with the asphalt slide test, finding significant reduction in adhesion for a number of different formulations. The interaction of the formulations with bitumen was tested by the bitumen degradation test, which was combined with FTIR-ATR analysis, finding that the formulations do not dissolve the bitumen, but rather were adsorbed by the bitumen. The effects on asphalt mix of the best performing formulation, MUG at 20% in water, was tested by indirect tensile strength, determining that the formulation was acceptable for use in the field.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Peter Mikhailenko) 31 Jan 2019
[hal-02625594] Enzymatic hydrolysis of corn crop residues with high solid loadings: New insights into the impact of bioextrusion on biomass deconstruction using carbohydrate-binding modules
Lignocellulosic biomass is a sustainable source of renewable substrate to produce low carbon footprint energy and materials. Biomass conversion is usually performed in two steps: a biomass pretreatment for improving cellulose accessibility followed by enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. In this study we investigated the efficiency of a bioextrusion pretreatment (extrusion in the presence of cellulase enzyme) for production of reducing sugars from corn crop agricultural residues. Our results demonstrate that bioextrusion increased the reducing sugar conversion yield by at least 94% at high solid/liquid ratio (14%-40%). Monitoring biomass surface with carbohydrate-binding modules (FTCM-depletion assay) revealed that well known negative impact of high solid/liquid ratio on conversion yield is not due to the lack of exposed cellulose which was abundant under such conditions. Bioextrusion was found to be less efficient on alkaline pretreated biomass but being a mild and solvent limiting pretreatment, it might help to minimize the waste stream.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Etienne Gatt) 22 Oct 2021
[hal-02363193] Pistacia Atlantica Desf., a Source of Healthy Vegetable Oil
Pistacia atlantica, which belongs to the Anacardiaceae family, is an important species for rural people in arid and semi-arid areas. The fruit, rich in oil, is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The oil extracted from this species growing in a northern area of Algeria and its fatty acid composition were previously studied. However, the largest areas where this species is present (traditional cultivation) is located in southern Algeria. Moreover, studies on oil fatty acid composition and essential oil were always conducted separately. This study was performed in order to assess the fatty acid and volatile organic compound composition of P. atlantica vegetable oil. The seeds were collected randomly from Djelfa (300 km South of Algiers, Algeria). Oil content and fatty acid composition were determined by Soxhlet extraction. The seeds contained high concentrations of oil (32–67%). The major fatty acids were oleic (39–49%), linoleic (23.6–31%), and palmitic (21.3–26.6%) acids. The ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to saturated fatty acids (SFA) indicated that the content of unsaturated fatty acids was approximately three times higher than that of SFA. This ratio is widely used in epidemiological studies and research on cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. The ratios of ω-acids, i.e., ω-9/ω-6 and ω-6/ω-3, were 1.3–2 and 18.5–38.3, respectively. Crushed seeds were analyzed by headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. More than 40 compounds were identified, mainly monoterpenes (C10H16), such as α-terpinene and terpinolene, but also sesquiterpenes (C15H24) at lower levels. The value of this species as a source of healthy oil rich in ω-3 acid and its effects on cardiovascular disease risk are discussed
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Amina Labdelli) 14 Nov 2019
[hal-02117311] Deciphering the phylogeny of violets based on multiplexed genetic and metabolomic approaches
Molecular phylogenetics based on nucleotide sequence comparisons has profoundly influenced plant taxonomy. A comprehensive chemotaxonomical approach based on GC-MS and UHPLC-HRMS profiling was evaluated for its ability to characterize a large collection of plants all in the violet family Violaceae (n = 111) and thus decipher the taxonomy. A thorough identification of violets is challenging due to their natural hybridization and phenotypic variability. Phylogenetic inference performed on ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequences using maximum likelihood and neighbor-joining distance methods allowed the clear identification of 58% of the collection. Metabolomic approaches with multivariate data analysis were performed on SPME/GC-MS chromatograms of volatile compounds emitted by fresh mature flowers and on UHPLC-HRMS/MS leaf extracts for non-volatile compounds. Interestingly, molecular and biochemical approaches provided separate classifications while highlighting several common clusters. The profiling of secondary metabolites was proved most suitable for the classification of hundreds of extracts. The combination of phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic approaches, allowed the classification of 96% of the entire collection. A correlation network revealed specific chemotaxonomic biomarkers, in particular flavonoids, coumarins and cyclotides. Overall, our pioneering approach could be useful to solve misclassification issues within collections of close plant species.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Justine Chervin) 02 Mar 2020
[hal-02348714] Graft copolymerization of hydroxyethyl cellulose with solketal acrylate: Preparation and characterization for moisture absorption application
In this work, we reported the preparation of a novel biomaterial, by graft-polymerization of 2-2-dimethyl-1-3-dioxolan-4-yl methyl acrylate (solketalacrylate, DMDMA) on hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) using KPS as initiator. Several experiments were performed to found the optimum conditions for the preparation of this biopolymer, by varying the time of the reaction as well as the initiator and the monomer ratio. Results showed that the highest grafting yield was 25%, obtained after 72 minutes at 65 °C, using THF as solvent. The structure of the grafted copolymer was confirmed by X-ray diffraction patterns which showed, besides the characteristic peaks of HEC at 2θ = 31.74° and 44.63° a new peak at 2θ = 30.72° related to an organized structure of the grafted polymer on the HEC backbone. The DSC analysis showed a single glass transition temperature Tg, intermediate between the corresponding values for HEC and neat poly(solketal acrylate). Moreover, the grafted biomaterial presented two-fold more moisture absorption ability by comparison with HEC, making this new synthetic biomaterial highly promising for dryness applications. In our knowledge, the synthesized monomer: 2-2-dimethyl-1-3-dioxolan-4-yl methyl acrylate, (solketal acrylate, DMDMA), has never been grafted on the HEC backbones before that is what makes the novelty of the present work.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Khaled Beyaz) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-02063578] Investigation of Miscanthus and Sunflower Stalk Fiber-Reinforced Composites for Insulation Applications
The development of materials based on renewable and low-cost resources is today’s crucial interest for civil engineering. This work intends to investigate two new vegetable fibers as composite reinforcement for insulation application in the building industry. Miscanthus and sunflower stalk have mainly been selected for their high fiber content, low water content after harvesting, and availability. These criteria lead to good structural properties and allow a reduction in production and transportation costs. This study aims at demonstrating the feasibility to produce cohesive panels from these lignocellulosic fibers and their related interesting mechanical and thermal properties according to various natural binders.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Arne Eschenhagen) 11 Mar 2019
[hal-02347948] Separation of sugarcane bagasse mild alkaline extract components by ultrafiltration – Membrane screening and effect of filtration parameters
Mild alkaline treatment (1.5% NaOH (w/v), solid:liquid ratio of 1:20, 60 °C, 6 h) of sugarcane bagasse (SCB) produced an extract composed of hemicelluloses, lignin, phenolic monomers and acetic acid. The purification of this extract, usually considered a by-product in lignocellulosic biorefineries, is of major importance to give value to the whole mild alkaline fractionation process. Ultrafiltration was assessed to separate the components of the SCB alkaline extract which is a prerequisite for their further valorization. The permeate flux and the retention of the extract components were studied on seven membranes (polysulfone hollow fiber and ceramic tubular) with different molecular weight cut-offs, under various operating conditions. On all the membranes tested, oligomers of lignin and hemicelluloses were separated from salts, phenolic monomers and acetic acid. The 10 kDa polysulfone hollow fiber membrane presented the highest lignin and hemicelluloses retention, exceeding 85 and 90%, respectively, regardless of shear rate and with a limited influence of transmembrane pressure. For salts, acetic acid and phenolic monomers, retention levels of about 0–10% were recorded for this membrane. At 2.8 bar and at 20 °C, the permeate flux reached 16 L/h/m2 and the critical flux was not reached.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Vincent Oriez) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-02628584] Uncertainty analysis for seawater intrusion in fractured coastal aquifers: Effects of fracture location, aperture, density and hydrodynamic parameters
In this study we use polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) to perform uncertainty analysis for seawater intrusion (SWI) in fractured coastal aquifers (FCAs) which is simulated using the coupled discrete fracture network (DFN) and variable-density flow (VDF) models. The DFN-VDF model requires detailed discontinuous analysis of the fractures. In real field applications, these characteristics are usually uncertain which may have a major effect on the predictive capability of the model. Thus, we perform global sensitivity analysis (GSA) to provide a preliminary assessment on how these uncertainties can affect the model outputs. As our conceptual model, we consider fractured configurations of the Henry Problem which is widely used to understand SWI processes. A finite element DFN-VDF model is developed in the framework of COMSOL Multiphysics (R). We examine the uncertainty of several SWI metrics and salinity distribution due to the incomplete knowledge of fracture characteristics. PCE is used as a surrogate model to reduce the computational burden. A new sparse PCE technique is used to allow for high polynomial orders at low computational cost. The Sobol' indices (SIs) are used as sensitivity measures to identify the key variables driving the model outputs uncertainties. The proposed GSA methodology based on PCE and SIs is useful for identifying the source of uncertainties on the model outputs with an affordable computational cost and an acceptable accuracy. It shows that fracture hydraulic conductivity is the first source of uncertainty on the salinity distribution. The imperfect knowledge of fracture location and density affects mainly the toe position and the total flux of saltwater entering the aquifer. Marginal effects based on the PCE are used to understand the effects of fracture characteristics on SWI. The findings provide a technical support for monitoring, controlling and preventing SWI in FCAs.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Behshad Koohbor) 22 Oct 2021
[hal-02362747] Effect of Salinity and Water Stress on the Essential Oil Components of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.)
The effect of salinity and water stresses on the essential oil components of Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil was investigated. Rosemary plants were submitted to different water treatments: tap water (TW), salt water (SW) and without irrigation (NIR). GC/MS analysis showed that ten and eleven volatile compounds were identified in essential oil of rosemary plants irrigated with tap water (TW) and salt water (SW), respectively. However, thirteen volatile compounds were identified in essential oil of non-irrigated plants (NIR). Moreover, among these compounds, α-Pinene, Eucalyptol (1,8 Cineol), Camphene, Borneol, D-verbenone, Bornyl acetate were the major components of oil. Also, GC/MS results highlighted that non-irrigated rosemary plants showed the highest essential oil yield (Y). Obtained oil yields followed the order YNIR > YTW > YSW. In conclusion, qualitative and quantitative differences in rosemary essential oil components were highlighted in relation to water stress.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Radhia Sarmoum) 14 Nov 2019
[hal-02618037] Green optimization of the first steps for the synthesis of a novel surfactant: Towards the elimination of CMR Solvents and the drastic reduction of the used solvent volume
In this report, the first steps of the synthesis of a novel surfactant have been described. Each stage has been optimized to abide by the principles of green chemistry. The replacement of CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic) solvents by 4‐MTHP (4‐methyltetrahydropyran) led to the improvement of the overall yield and to the drastic reduction of the total organic solvent volume used in the process.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Clément Giry) 25 May 2020
[hal-02622871] Lignocellulosic biomass fractionation by mineral acids and resulting extract purification processes: Conditions, yields, and purities
Fractionation of lignocellulose is a fundamental step in the valorization of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin to produce various sustainable fuels and chemicals. Mineral acid fractionation is one of the most applied process and leads to the solubilization and hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicelluloses, whereas most of the lignin remains insoluble and can be separated from the extract. The obtained monomeric sugars in the acid extract are in solution with salts, sugar degradation products, and phenolic molecules. Downstream processing is required to purify the sugars and further valorize them into fuels or chemicals with the use of chemical or biochemical reactions. This purification step also allows the recycling of the mineral acid and the valorization of the sugar degradation products and the co-extracted phenolic molecules, adding value to the whole biorefinery scheme. Many purification techniques have been studied, providing several options in terms of yields, purities, and cost of the process. This review presents the conditions used for the mineral acid fractionation step and a wide variety of purification techniques applied on the obtained hydrolysate, with a focus on the associated yields and purities. Values from the literature are expressed in a standard way in order to simplify comparison between the different processes.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Vincent Oriez) 26 May 2020
[hal-02627909] Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the coriander cake obtained by extrusion
This study was designed to examine the effect of operating conditions on essential oil composition and antioxidant activity of coriander cakes. Twenty-nine components were determined in essential oils, which were mostly alcohol monoterpenes. The highest essential oil yields (0.11%) were obtained by the nozzle diameter of 5 mm. The main components of cake essential oil linalool, gamma-terpinene, geranyl acetate, linalyl acetate and camphor showed significant variations with different nozzle diameter. The total phenol contents and condensed flavonoid contents varied between different nozzle diameters; the highest values obtained of small diameters (5 and 6 mm). Significant differences were also found in total tannin contents among different nozzle diameters. The total phenol contents decreased significantly (p < 0.05) when increased the nozzle diameter to 9 mm and reached 9.11 mg GAE/g. The screening of antioxidant activity of the different coriander cakes using the di(phenyl)-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl) iminoazanium radical (DPPH) assay showed an appreciable reduction of the stable radical DPPH, although small nozzle diameter was the most efficient method with an IC50 reached of 55 mu g/ml as compared with bigger diameter (IC50 = 88 mu g/ml). All the extracts had lower beta-carotene bleaching activity than that of synthetic antioxidant BHA and BHT. Coriander cake extracts presented a very low reducing power ability (EC50 approximate to 700 mu g/ml) compared to ascorbic acid (EC50= 40 mu g/ml).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jazia Sriti) 26 May 2020
[hal-02158428] Recent Progress in Synthesis of Glycerol Carbonate and Evaluation of Its Plasticizing Properties
The state of the art on the glycerol carbonate (GC) synthesis has been updated since the last published reviews in 2012, 2013, and 2016. Three types of reactions continue to be studied: glycerolysis of urea, transcarbonation of DMC, DEC, or cyclic carbonates with glycerol and reaction using CO2. Among these different routes, DMC and glycerol were selected as the raw materials for the GC synthesis in this work since the transcarbonation from these green reagents leads to high yields and selectivities, using mild conditions including a less energy consuming GC separation process. Catalytic conditions using Na2CO3 seem to be a good compromise to achieve a high yield of GC, leading to an easier purification step without GC distillation. Mild temperatures for the reaction (73–78°C) as well as a low waste amount confirmed by the E-factor calculation, are in favor of controlled costs. Plasticizing properties of synthesized GC were compared to the behaviors of a commercial plasticizer and natural dialkyl carbonates, for a colorless nail polish formulation. The resulting films subjected to mechanical and thermal stresses (DMA and Persoz pendulum) showed the high plasticizing effect of GC toward nitrocellulose based films, probably due to hydrogen bond interactions between GC and nitrocellulose. The GC efficiency gives the possibility to decrease the content of the plasticizer in the formulation. Glycerol carbonate can be thus considered as a biobased ingredient abiding by the green chemistry concepts, and safe enough to be used in an ecodesigned nail polish formulation.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pascale Satgé-de Caro) 18 Jun 2019
[hal-02347629] Effect of Sowing Dates on Fatty Acids and Phytosterols Patterns of Carthamus tinctorius L.
Organic agriculture at Auch (near Toulouse, South west of France). Due to the high potential applications for its oil components such as fatty acids and phytosterols, safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is considered as an emerging crop. Safflower plants, as many other oil crops, are submitted to environmental stresses that modify seed composition. Nevertheless, few reports are available about the effects of environmental conditions on fatty acid and phytosterol compositions in safflower. Different rainfall supplies can be managed by delaying the sowing dates. In this study, fatty acid and phytosterol contents have been evaluated in safflower seeds cultivated at two sowing dates (conventional and late) that led to a differential of rainfall during seed development. At harvest, seeds were used for oil extraction. Fatty acid composition was performed by using GC-FID. A set of seeds was dehulled to separate the almond (embryo) and hull to release the extraction and measurement of sterol contents in the two compartments by GC-FID. A delay of sowing increased the content of all sterol categories but induced a significant decrease in fatty acids. The ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids increased under a delaying sowing. The repartition of phytosterols was ¾ and ¼ of total sterols in the embryo and the hull, respectively. These results could make the use of hull (considered as waste) possible, help breeders to improve safflower oil composition and develop new industrial applications.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jane Roche) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-02618832] 3rd edition of the young researchers' days in bio-sourced composites
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Ouagne) 06 Jun 2023
[hal-02617630] Synthesis of cellulose graft ionic liquid using silanization reaction
Introduction: Ionic liquids (ILs) have attached many attentions due to their interesting physicochemical properties. However, ionic liquids have several disadvantages including high viscosity, difficult to purify, separate and recycle, and expensive. Therefore, supported ionic liquids (SIL) have been developed to overcome these problems. SIL based on cellulose material was conventionally synthesized by silanization reaction between ionic liquid trialkoxyl silane and hydroxyl groups on the surface of cellulose. However, low reactivity of cellulose hydroxyl groups causes the low efficiency of silanization reaction. With the aim to resolve these problems and improve the reactivity of cellulose silanization reaction, cellulose graft ionic liquid was synthesized and characterized. Cellulose graft ionic liquid (CL-IL) material was synthesized by silanization reaction. The influence of reaction condition such as IL/CL (w/w) ratio, base catalyst (NH3) and agent coupling tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) on silanization reaction was investigated. The modified CL-IL materials were characterized using FT-IR, TGA, SEM. The ion exchange properties were evaluated via batch adsorption studies to evidence the efficiency of silanization reaction of cellulose. The study indicated that adding TEOS with NH3 catalyst could significantly increase the number of imidazolium groups grafted on cellulose about 75% compared to the conventional approach. CL-IL material is an efficient anion exchange materials displaying fast kinetic adsorption and high capacity adsorption of MO up to 1.4 mmol g-1. High-efficiency of cellulose silanization was obtained by using coupling agent TEOS and base catalyst. Therefore, the silanization reaction can be used for synthesis divers of functional cellulose materials. This approach can be aimed for the design of cheaper and high-performance materials for catalysis, polymer composite and adsorption in water treatment and depollution of industrial wastewater.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Thi Lan Nhi Do) 25 May 2020
[hal-02458601] Ozone Quantification by Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry: Influence of Humidity and Manufacturing Gas of Ozone Generator
The quantification of ozone by SIFT-MS was investigated in conditions suitable with an industrial emission context (high ozone demand, dry air/oxygen as the manufacturing gas of the ozone generator, and high humidity levels beyond saturation at room conditions). Ozone reacts with four negative precursor ions available in the SIFT-MS device (NO2–, O2–, HO–, and O–), each precursor ion having its specific domain of linearity. For a high ozone concentration range, only NO2– and O2– have resulted in a linear behavior (between 1 and 100 ppmv of O3 for NO2–, between 1 and 50 ppmv of O3 for O2–). No water interference was identified during ozone measurements by SIFT-MS using NO2– and O2– precursor ions, even with extreme humidity levels. The presence of nitrogen oxide contaminants (due to the use of dry air as the manufacturing gas of the ozone generator) affected the ozone quantification by SIFT-MS. It is critical for NO2– precursor ions, whose rate constant varied as a function of NO2 concentrations. With O2– precursor ion, ozone was successfully measured in the presence of nitrogen oxides; however, the secondary chemistry must be taken into account.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Leticia Vitola Pasetto) 28 Jan 2020
[hal-02618935] Identification of lactic acid bacteria Enterococcus and Lactococcus by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate classification
Lactic acid bacteria are important in numerous biological processes. The fabrication of cheese, for example, uses the lactic acid bacteria found in raw milk such as Lactococcus lactis as starters to improve the organoleptic properties of milk. Conventional methods to determine the genus and species of lactic acid bacteria isolated from raw milk involve genotyping and phenotyping, which require specific preparation and sample destruction. To improve on this situation, we present herein a simple and non-destructive screening method to discriminate between the Lactococcus and Enterococcus species most commonly found in raw milk (L. lactis, E. divans, E. faecalis, and E. faecium). The bacteria are grown on agar plates and assessed by using near-infrared spectroscopy in a spectral range from 800 to 2777 nm. Principle component analysis loading line plots highlight the intergenus and inter-species differences at various wavelengths, which are mostly assigned to cell-wall compounds such as polysaccharides. The best artificial neural network identification models give 98.8% and 86.3% classification rates at the genus and species level, respectively, for an external validation set made of 80 samples. These results suggest that near-infrared spectroscopy may be used to identify lactic acid bacteria on agar medium.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sylvain Treguier) 25 May 2020
[hal-02170451] Aldehydes gas ozonation monitoring: Interest of SIFT/MS versus GC/FID
Two analytical techniques – online gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization detector (often used method for VOCs monitoring) versus selected ion flow tube coupled with mass spectrometry (a more recent technique based on direct mass spectrometry) – were compared in association to an ozone-based gas treatment. Selecting aldehydes as the representative VOCs, their concentrations were monitored during ozonation experiments by both techniques in parallel. Contradictory results were obtained in the presence of ozone. Aldehydes were up to 90% removed due to a reaction with ozone according to GC/FID analysis, whereas with SIFT/MS, aldehydes concentration remained at the same level during the experiments regardless of the ozone presence. In addition, it was demonstrated that the apparent aldehydes removal was affected by GC injector temperature, varying from 90% (when it was at 250 °C) to 60% (at 100 °C). Meanwhile, even when the ozonation reactor was heated to 100 °C, no aldehydes conversion was evidenced by SIFT/MS, suggesting that the GC injector temperature was not the only interference-causing parameter. The ozone-aldehyde reaction is probably catalyzed by some material of GC injector and/or column. An ozone-GC interference was therefore confirmed, making unsuitable the use of GC/FID with silicone stationary phase to monitor aldehydes in presence of high concentrations of ozone (at least 50 ppmv). On the other hand, SIFT/MS was validated as a reliable technique, which can be employed in order to measure VOC concentrations in ozonation processes.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Leticia Vitola Pasetto) 01 Jul 2019
[hal-02347844] Tetraploid Wheats: Valuable Source of Phytosterols and Phytostanols
Phytosterols are known as healthy compounds obtained mainly from oilseed crops. Cereals were also studied for their sterols content. Few insights have been devoted to other tetraploid species than emmer and durum wheats. This work examined phytosterol and phytostanol content in seed of six tetraploid wheat species cultivated during two successive years under rainfed organic conditions in Auch (near Toulouse, France). Sterols (free and esterified sterols) were measured by gas-chromatography-flame ionisation detector. Mean value of sterols + stanols content was 99.5 mg 100 g−1 DW. The main sterol was β-sitosterol. Results showed a year effect on sterol content, whatever the wheat species. This could be explained by the differences in climatic conditions prevailing during plant cycle and grain filling. A large variability for sterols content was found between species and within each species. Emmer wheat revealed the lowest values for all sterols and stanols. Higher values of sterols were obtained in durum wheat. This work is the first report studying T. carthlicum, T. polonicum, T. turgidum, T. timopheevi. These species exhibited intermediate values of sterol contents between emmer and durum wheats. Wheat tetraploid species showed interesting levels of sterols and could serve as a great source of these healthy compounds mainly in Mediterranean region where they are consumed as wholegrain. Variation in climatic conditions could help to manage the level of these secondary metabolites.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Othmane Merah) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-01963101] Production of fiberboard from rice straw thermomechanical extrudates by thermopressing : influence of fiber morphology, water and lignin content
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of fiber morphology and molding parameters on the mechanical and physical properties of fiberboards made from rice straw. The rice straw was thermomechanically treated with a twin-screw extruder. Three parameters were investigated: the amount of water added at molding (0–20%), lignin content (0–25%), and the liquid/solid ratio used for extrudate production (0.33–1.07). A Doehlert experimental design was used to evaluate the effects of these factors on fiberboard properties. A liquid/solid ratio of 0.4 at extrudate production, the addition of 5% water at molding, and a lignin content of 8.9% were found to be optimal for bending properties. The fiberboard produced in these conditions had a density of 1414 kg/m3 (i.e. the densest board). Maximum flexural strength and elastic modulus were 50.3 MPa and 8.6 GPa, respectively. A thickness swelling of 23.6% and 17.6% water absorption were observed. The statistical analysis suggested that a good compromise between density and flexural properties could be obtained with the addition of 0% water, a lignin content of 25% and a liquid/solid ratio of 0.33 at extrudate production. Polynomial models suggested that the fiberboards produced in such conditions would have a maximum flexural strength of 50 MPa, an elastic modulus of 6.0 GPa, a density of 1102 kg/m3, and a thickness swelling of 24%.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Dyna Theng) 21 Dec 2018
[hal-02083580] Spray-Dried Succinylated Soy Protein Microparticles for Oral Ibuprofen Delivery
The potential value of succinylated soy protein (SPS) as a wall material for the encapsulation of ibuprofen (IBU), a model hydrophobic drug, by spray-drying was investigated. A succinylation rate of 93% was obtained for soy protein isolate, with a molar ratio of 1/1.5 (NH2/succinic anhydride). The solubility profile at 37°C showed that this chemical modification decreased the solubility of the protein below its isoelectric point, whereas solubility increased in alkaline conditions. Various SPS/IBU ratios (90/10, 80/20, and 60/40) were studied and compared with the same ratio of soy protein isolate (SPI/IBU). High encapsulation efficiency was achieved (91–95%). Microparticles were spherical and between 4 and 8 μm in diameter. The spray-drying of protein/IBU solutions appeared to be beneficial, as it resulted in an amorphous solid dispersion of IBU within the microparticles, coupled with an increase in the thermal stability of IBU. In vitro release was evaluated in acidic (pH 1.2 in the presence of pepsin) and neutral (pH 6.8) conditions similar to those in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. IBU was released significantly more slowly at pH 1.2, for both proteins. However, this slowing was particularly marked for SPS, for which rapid (within 2 h) and complete release was observed at pH 6.8. These results validate the hypothesis that SPS is suitable for use as a coating material for hydrophobic active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) due to its pH sensitivity, which should delay IBU release in the gastrointestinal tract.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Maria Antonieta Anaya Castro) 29 Mar 2019
[hal-02363289] Étude de la performance du milieu filtrant constitué d’une couche de chènevotte sur une couche de grignons d'olives dans le traitement des eaux usées domestiques : du pilote à l’échelle industrielle
Two agro-industrial by-products were studied in biofiltration of domestic wastewater at pilot scale: hemp shives working as “active layer”, or top layer, on olive pomace working as “support layer”, or bottom layer. The aim of this work was to study the treatment capacity of these two materials working together as one single porous filter medium. The first biofilter had an equal proportion of both materials while the second one had 80% of the active layer and 20% of the support layer. The objective was to study the impact of the layer height on the biofilter performance. Both pilots were fed with synthetic sludge-based wastewater at a rate of 75 L·d‑1·PE‑1 (PE: population equivalent). Results showed a reduction of more than 90% of the biochemical oxygen demand at five days (BOD5) and the total suspended solids (TSS) after ten weeks of continuous operation. The performance remains good after more than 30 weeks of operation. Since the laboratory results were very encouraging, six prototype biofilters were installed to treat domestic wastewater from single-family residences under real conditions. The short-term purposes of this study are to determine the maintenance required by such a novel technology and to study the influence of parameters such as filter height, aeration, and the number of inhabitants. While the long-term goal is to characterize the treatment efficiency of these prototypes over many years under field conditions. The long-term treatment efficiency of one of the biofilters, which has been running for almost four years, is outstanding. The mean reduction in the chemical oxygen demand (COD), BOD5, and TSS is over 83%, 97%, and 96% respectively, rising expectations for the other five prototypes.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jésus Villalobos Garcia) 14 Nov 2019
[hal-02618281] Modelling and experimental validation of dimethyl carbonate solvent recovery from an aroma mixture by batch distillation
Modelling and experimental validation of solvent recovery from an aroma mixture by batch distillation process is presented, with particular emphasis of the effect of the prediction of the physicochemical properties and the phase equilibrium data on the content of the aroma compounds in the distillate cuts. The illustrative case study refers to an industrial batch distillation to recover dimethyl carbonate (DMC) from an extract generated by a solvent extraction process involving variable natural raw materials for tailored perfume and fragrance applications. Due to the high number of aroma compounds in natural extracts, a synthetic mixture containing six target aroma compounds (alpha-pinene, eucalyptol, linalool, cis-3-hexenol, fenchone and benzyl acetate) was mixed with DMC for the modelling and experimental studies of the batch distillation process. The methodology is tested through the simulation of the process with BatchColumn (R) software. As physicochemical properties of the aroma compounds and the vapour liquid equilibrium (VLE) of all involved mixtures are required for simulation study, group contribution methods are used to predict missing properties such as vapour pressure, vaporisation enthalpy and liquid and vapour heat capacities. For VLE calculation, the modified UNIFAC group contribution method is considered and new binary interaction parameters for the main groups COO and CH2O are regressed from experimental data. Simulation results are in good agreement with experiments carried out in a fully automated batch distillation column at 15 kPa and help optimise the industrial process operation. The proposed methodology can be applied for the design of other solvent recovery process in fragrance industry.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis) 22 Oct 2021
[hal-02346697] Effect of dehulling method on the chemical composition of the lipid constituents of the kernels and oils of Ricinodendron heudelotii seeds
The aim of this study was to characterize the lipids present in the oil and kernels of Ricinodendron heudelotii seeds. Two dehulling methods were used to extract kernels from their husks: a heat treatment and a manual mechanical dehulling technique. Oil from kernels obtained by traditional heat treatment of seeds had a kinematic viscosity of 169 ± 0.5 mPa.s, and an iodine value of 175.6 ± 1.1 g/100 g oil. The oil from kernels isolated by mechanical dehulling had a kinematic viscosity of 128 ± 0.11 mPa.s and an iodine value of 195.2 ± 2.0 g/100 g oil. Determination of the minor compound profile of the oil revealed a total tocopherol content of 135.0 ± 0.4 mg oil from kernels isolated by traditional heat treatment. The oil obtained from kernels isolated by manual mechanical dehulling had a total tocopherol content of 178.3 ± 0.4 mg/100 g. An analysis of the fatty-acid profile of the oil from kernels isolated by traditional heat treatment revealed the presence of α-eleostearic acid (50.5% ±0.1), linoleic acid (24.0% ±0.0), β-eleostearic (8.4% ±0.0) and catalpic acid (0.40% ±0.1). By contrast, the fatty acid composition of oil from kernels isolated by manual mechanical dehulling was of α-eleostearic acid (60.1% ±0.2), linoleic acid (22.8% ±0.1). Ricinodendron heudelotii oil has a very high level (84.4 ± 0.4%) of polyunsaturated fatty acids (CLnA). Some analysis of the triglycerides present in the oil revealed the potential isomerization of α-eleostearic acid to form β-eleostearic acid and catalpic acid
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Diakaridja Nikiema) 05 Nov 2019
[hal-02161920] Review of Extractive Distillation. Process design, operation optimization and control
Extractive distillation processes enable the separation of non-ideal mixtures, including minimum or maximum boiling azeotropes and low relative volatility mixtures. Unlike azeotropic distillation, the entrainer fed at another location than the main mixture induces an extractive section within the column. A general feasibility criterion shows that intermediate and light entrainers and heterogeneous entrainers are suitable along common heavy entrainers. Entrainer selection rules rely upon selectivity ratios and residue curve map (rcm) topology including univolatility curves. For each type of entrainer, we define extractive separation classes that summarize feasibility regions, achievable products and entrainer – feed flow rate ratio limits. Case studies are listed as supplementary materials. Depending on the separation class, a direct or an indirect split column configuration will allow to obtain a distillate product or a bottom product, which is usually a saddle point of rcm. Batch and continuous process operations differ mainly by the feasible ranges for the entrainer – feed flow rate ratio and reflux ratio. The batch process is feasible under total reflux and can orient the still path by changing the reflux policy. Optimisation of the extractive process must systematically consider the extractive column along with the entrainer regeneration column that requires energy and may limit the product purity in the extractive column through recycle. For the sake of reducing the energy cost and the total cost, pressure change can be beneficial as it affects volatility, or new process structures can be devised, namely heat integrated extractive distillation, extractive divided wall column or processes with preconcentrator.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Vincent Gerbaud) 21 Jun 2019